Habits are stored in the basal ganglia of the brain. It is a small mass about the size of a golf ball located in the center of the brain. Habits save the brain work, as they require little processing power to execute.
When a habit is formed and stored in this region, the brain completely stops any decision-making processes related to that habit.
This is where we find something surprising: 40% of all our daily activities are habits. This means that 40% of the time our body works practically on automatic pilot. We think and do things without our brain being aware of these activities. We do not realize the importance of habits in our life.
Any thought that is repeated with a certain frequency becomes a habit. In other words, habitual thoughts make you the person you are.
Poor people are poor and rich people are rich because of how they habitually think. The thoughts of the rich and poor are followed by their activities. If you think a certain way, you will act likewise.
For this reason, greatness requires that you think great thoughts. In order for you to become a millionaire you must know the thoughts of the rich and likewise to avoid poverty, you must understand how not to think.
Let’s see below some of the results of an investigation in which I interviewed 233 millionaire minds and 128 poor people.
These are the thoughts of people with little money:
- 87% think they must be intellectually gifted in order to become wealthy.
- 90% think that fate determines whether you will be rich or poor.
- Only 13% believe they have a chance of being rich.
- 11% think creativity is critical to achieving financial success.
- 80% believe that genetics has to do with success.
- Only 18% think that they are the cause of their financial situation.
- 77% believe that lying is a prerequisite to accumulate wealth.
- Only 2% meditate daily.
- 90% think that the rich are rich because their parents were rich and they inherited their money.
- 22% think that optimism is important to achieve success.
- 5% think that the rich are good, hard-working and honest people.
- 52% believe that being rich is achieved by accident or is a matter of luck.
Now let’s see what are the thoughts of the rich on the same issues:
- 10% think that being intellectually gifted is important to being a millionaire.
- 10% think that destiny has some relationship with wealth or poverty.
- 43% believed they would be successful in life.
- 75% believe creativity is important for financial success.
- 6% think that genetics is related to wealth or poverty.
- 79% are convinced that they are the cause of their financial situation.
- 15% think that lying is a prerequisite to achieve wealth.
- 17% meditate daily.
- 5% think that the rich are rich because they inherited their fortunes from their parents.
- 54% think that optimism is important to achieve success.
- 78% think that the rich are good, hard-working and honest people.
- 4% of the rich think that getting wealth is accidental and depends on luck.
If you want to have money you need to stop thinking like a poor person and adopt the thoughts of the rich to create habits. Don’t forget that good habits are the shortcut to success. Also, do not forget that they are not easy to create, it is essential that you put all your effort, but in the end, they will be the best investment you can make in your life; for you and yours.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.