With overwhelming access to knowledge, this generation has much more reach. Know a little about everything, but never enough about one specific thing. We have no shortage of words; rather, we have a shortage of the right words. That’s why I want to share 10 powerful phrases that made me a millionaire.
Ultimately, words are the stones that bridge the gap to our furthest destinies. From misunderstanding and overcoming indifference, to closing a sale and believing in God. Words make up what we think, what we know, and who we become.
But the right words change your life. They can change your story.
Here are the words that have changed mine:
10 powerful phrases that made me a millionaire.
“Never be so busy making a living that you end up forgetting you have one.”
Never be so busy making a living that you end up forgetting you have a Click To Tweet
Who said it?: My grandmother
How did it help me?
“Getting lost” in something I know you love often results in getting lost in general. We live in a culture that measures our success by the amount of money we make rather than the fullness of our lives. During the 13 years that I have spent building businesses, I have learned from the time that I lived in the absence of this phrase.
“Say the words how others need to hear them, not how you want to say them.”
Say the words how others need to hear them, not how you want to say them. Click To Tweet
Who said it? my mentor
How did it help me?
Empathy is a difficult virtue to master. As an entrepreneur, the best marketing is done by those who can get into the customer’s pain. Put words to your emotions and create products that solve your most difficult problems. As leaders, we must not forget that reflection is the most effective form of communication.
“Your greatest weakness is often the exaggeration of your greatest strength.”
Your greatest weakness is often the exaggeration of your greatest strength Click To Tweet
Who said it? Jason Benham
How did it help me?
I am a teacher. Talking, selling and convincing others is almost instinctive for me. But too many times I’ve been kicked in the leg by my wife for not shutting her mouth. As I’ve matured, I’m learning that overusing our inherent gifts can backfire. The secret is to learn to push it to the limit, and stop.
“A designer knows that he has reached perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing to take away.”
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing to take away. Click To Tweet
Who said it? Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
How did it help me?
A designer is someone who can do something better than someone with the same tools and at the same cost. The more I practice, the more I realize that the purpose is not to overwhelm our eyes with many things, but with one. So whenever I don’t like the aesthetics of something I’m working on, like designing a new website, my first step is to remove something.
“The goal of an argument is to win her heart, not just her mind.”
The goal of an argument is to win her heart, not just her mind. Click To Tweet
Who said it? Matthew L. Jacobson
How did it help me?
I used to hate arguments but conversation, debate and marketing are important pieces of the persuasion family. In my experience, the secret to eliminating the fear of confrontation is to restore your respect for others. It is realizing that our thoughts are directly connected to our hearts. Winning an argument and losing your heart can cause pain. But winning both is a cause for respect. Remember, people don’t care what we know until they know what we care about.
“It is impossible to be spiritually mature while you are emotionally immature.”
It is impossible to be spiritually mature while you are emotionally immature. Click To Tweet
Who said it? Peter Scazzero
How did it help me?
Nothing is independent. Over the years I have learned that my relationship with God can only go as far as my ability to connect with his people. Too often, I find myself trying to simplify my spirituality into a one-dimensional experience, as if I could compartmentalize my absent faith from others, but I can’t. Because maturity in any area requires maturity in all areas.
“We change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing.”
We change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing Click To Tweet
Who said it? Dr Henry Cloud
How did it help me?
The old saying “no pain, no gain” still holds true. But in life, pain is not always bad. I have learned to associate pain with growth, with the new, with starting over. It has helped me not to spend my life avoiding pain, instead to identify the pain that is good for me. The pain that makes me grow. The pain that changes me. The pain that shaped me into the person I was meant to be.
“Who we listen to will determine who we become.”
Who we listen to will determine who we become Click To Tweet
Who said it? Unknown
How did it help me?
I do not give my eyes and ears to many. Because my story tells me that those I give permission to speak in my life will determine the direction of my actions. They will decide the life that I will end up creating. Be cautious with the people to whom you lend your ears. If we let the wrong person in, we could find ourselves far from who we want to become.
“Success comes when we shift our efforts from making a million dollars to helping a million people.”
Success comes when we shift our efforts from making a million dollars to helping a million people. Click To Tweet
Who said it? Dharmesh Shah
How did it help me?
I spent many years trying to make money to make more money. I felt desolate and empty. And surprisingly I didn’t make a lot of money either. It wasn’t until I had a genuine heart to help others that I saw a significant jump in my income. Success is often counterintuitive. What seems like the answer to many is often the path to mediocrity. Instead, the hardest path is typically the correct path. The path to a more sincere prosperity.
“If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.”
If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs. Click To Tweet
Who said it? Unknown
How did it help me?
This sentence is a bit harsh but it is true. You can use your resources (time, energy, passion, etc.) to build the life you want or use them to build someone else’s life. For me, this phrase has been the motivation I needed to become a creator and not an employee.
Also read: 135 success phrases to apply now.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.