In this article you will know the 10 quotes that made me a millionaire And what did I learn from each one?
With the overwhelming access to knowledge, this generation often has a vision that is thirty feet wide but only three feet deep. They know a little about everything, but they don’t know enough about a specific topic. It is not because there is a shortage of words, but because we do not know the right words.
Poetry has been defined as: The best words in the best order. However, I believe that this definition belongs to the poem. The right words, arranged harmoniously, can articulate a comprehensive and deep meaning in just a few characters. A meaning that can put an end to your fears and allow you to take your first steps towards progress.
Lately, words are the stones that fill the spaces of our most distant destinations. From misunderstanding and indifference to believing in God, words constitute what we think, know and what we are.
Also read: 10 entrepreneurship books that made me a millionaire.
However, the right words can change your life. They can change your story.
These are the words that changed mine:
10 Phrases that made me a millionaire.
Phrases that made me a millionaire #1
Never get to the point where you are so busy building your life that you forget to live it.
How this sentence helped me: Losing yourself in something you love often ends up misplaced in everything. We live in a culture that measures our success by how much money we have rather than the fullness of our lives.
Through these 13 years that I have invested creating companies, I have learned that you must find a balance between life and work.
Phrase #2
Tell people what they need to hear, not what you would like to say.
How this sentence helped me: Empathy is a very complex virtue to master. As an entrepreneur, the best marketing is done by those who understand the pain of customers, to the point of putting words to their emotions and creating products that solve their most difficult problems.
As leaders, we must not forget reflection is the most effective form of communication.
Phrase #3
Your greatest weakness is the extent of your greatest strength.
How this sentence helped me: I am a natural teacher. Talking, selling and convincing is almost instinctive in me.
However, many times my wife has hit me on the leg for not shutting up. As I have matured, I am learning that overuse of our gifts can backfire. The secret is to learn to use them to a certain limit and stop.
Phrase #4
Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing to remove.
How this sentence helped me: A designer is someone who can make something more beautiful than others with the same tools at the same cost. Beauty is my secret weapon.
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But, the more I practice design, the more I realize that its purpose is not to draw our eyes on many things, but on one thing.
So whenever there’s something I don’t like, whether it’s in a landscape or on a website, my first step is to remove something.
Phrases that made me a millionaire #5
The goal of an argument is to win each other’s hearts, not just their minds.
How this sentence helped me: I used to hate arguments. For a while I was passive. However, arguments, debates, and marketing are all important pieces of family persuasion.
In my experience, the secret to eliminating the fear of confrontation is to restore your respect for others. It is realizing that our thoughts are directly related to our hearts.
Winning an argument and losing the other’s heart causes pain. But winning both causes respect. Remember, people don’t care what you know until they know you care.
Phrase #6
It is impossible to be spiritually mature while being emotionally immature.
How this sentence helped me: Nothing is independent. Over the years I have learned that my relationship with God can go as far as my ability to connect with people.
Often, I find myself trying to simplify my spirituality into a one-dimensional experience, as if I could separate my lack of faith for others. But I can’t, because maturing in any area requires maturing in all areas.
Phrase #7
We change when the pain of continuing to be what we are is greater than the pain of changing
How this sentence helped me: As the old adage says, “no pain, no gain”. In life pain does not always mean something negative. I have learned to associate pain with growth or a new beginning.
This helps me not to waste my life avoiding pain, but identifying the pain that is good for me. The pain that makes me grow and change. The pain that transforms me into the person I am meant to be.
Phrases that made me a millionaire #8
Who we listen to will determine who we become
How this sentence helped me: I do not give my eyes and my ears to many. Because my story says that those I allow to speak in my life will determine the direction of my actions.
Also read: How to be a millionaire in 5 steps.
It will decide the life that I end up creating. This calls for changes in behaviors that will finally adjust to my current existence.
Be careful who you listen to, if you let the wrong person in, you will find yourself far from the person you want to be.
Phrase #9
You will be successful when you strive to help millions and not to make millions.
How this sentence helped me: I spent many years of my life trying to make money just for the sake of it. He feels hollow and empty. And surprisingly…. I didn’t make much money. It was only when I had genuine intentions to help others that I began to see significant changes in my income.
Success is often contradictory. What seems like the answer to many is usually the road to mediocrity. On the contrary, the most difficult path is often the correct path. The path to sincere prosperity.
Phrase #10
If you don’t build your dreams, someone will hire you to build theirs.
How this sentence helped me: This sentence is not very encouraging. It’s harsh but it’s true. You can use your resources (Time, energy, passion, etc) to build the life you want or you will be used as a resource to build the life someone else wants.
For me, this sentence has been the motivation I needed to become a creator instead of a follower.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.