“50% of employers know if a person is suitable for a position within the first 5 minutes. And after 15 minutes this percentage increases to 90%”. This is stated by the company CarreerBuilder; which conducted a survey on the biggest mistakes in a job interview.
Not only the quality of your answers are evaluated during a job interview. Also your body language plays a role of great importance when making a hiring decision.
“Posture, facial expressions and behavior; they show more about the candidate than the words themselves”, reveals the study that analyzed the responses of more than 2,100 human resources managers.
“Employers are very attentive to non-verbal cues. Always looking for the level of professionalism of the candidate, and if he is definitely the most suitable person for the position”, says Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources for CarrerBuilder.
Mistakes in a job interview (The 10 most common)
These were the most common body language mistakes; identified by the human resources managers who took part in the study:
- Don’t make eye contact.
- Do not smelling.
- Play with an object on the table.
- Have bad posture
- Moving too much in the seat.
- Crossing arms.
- Play with hair or touch face.
- Have a weak handshake.
- Use your hands a lot when talking. (Learn how to use them for your benefit)
- Have a very strong handshake.
It is also important that you know how to avoid them and not just know what they are. That is why we share the following:
How to avoid making mistakes in a job interview.
Additionally, Haefner made some recommendations to ensure success in an interview.
1. Practice
The best way to avoid negative results in an interview is to rehearse. Haefner stresses the importance of rehearsing with the help of friends or family; asking them for their advice and comments to improve your answers and of course your body language.
You can also help with the following…
2. Videotape your essays
Another tool that would make a difference is to make videos of yourself rehearsing. It is because by watching the recording you could identify possible mistakes that you are making unconsciously.
3. Have a summary of yourself prepared
The primary objective of an interview is to find out who you are, what you do and if you are the right candidate for the position. So have a summary of yourself ready.
It will be easier to answer in the part: “Tell me about yourself”, where you will briefly present your skills and experience. You should be prepared to give examples of this information.
4. Research company information
Research the company for which you are applying. Employers want to see that you are as interested in the company as they are in hiring you.
You can investigate via Google. In addition to Facebook or LinkedIn, in case they are not well-known companies.
5. Breathe and stay calm
Take a deep breath before the interview, this can relieve stress, anxiety and nervousness. Your brain needs oxygen to give the best answers.
It may also interest you: These 13 strategies will help you combat anxiety.
In conclusion, there is a lot you can do to increase your chances of getting hired. We hope you prepare and that the position is yours. We also hope that you save and decide to create your own business 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.