In this article you will know 10 books for young entrepreneurswith its description and download link if you want to read them.
One of the most common advice that experts give to their followers is that they should read.
Books are a vast source of knowledge and if we consider that at this time we can access them with a click; We have at our fingertips all the information we need.
Major CEOs like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates They are lovers of reading and share the lists with their favorite books to their followers. That is why in ModoEmprendedor we made a compilation of the most interesting books for young entrepreneurs.
10 Books for young entrepreneurs.
1. Know your strengths (Tom Rath)
Many believe they have the potential to perform in different areas but still don’t know which ones specifically.
Know your strengths 2.0 is the second installment of the Gallup group, which will help its readers identify at least 5 fields of action in which they have more skills.
Tom Rath, Executive gallup and author of the book, believes that people should focus on making the best of their talents and not on trying to be better at what they have no skills; that’s why he was born Know your Strengths.
2. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (Angela Duckworth)
No matter what our goal is, there is only one way to achieve it; and it is by combining our passion and persistence.
For Angela Duckworth, Ph.D in psychology and author of the book, the common factor to predict successful people is not IQ, nor their social intelligence; is determination.
In addition, you will find several stories from his studies with cadets and children, which together with his personal history, explain why determination is the key factor; how to get it and how to hold on to it.
3. The attitude of success (Carol S. Dweck)
The renowned psychologist Carol S. Dweck shows us 2 different types of mindset: The developing mindset and the fixed mindset.
Through research, Dweck teaches us what the differences are and why it’s important to adopt a growth mindset and how to do it; since in this way we can better face the challenges and aim towards a more successful and satisfying life; without having to depend 100% on our abilities.
4. The 7 habits of highly effective people (Stephen R. Covey)
The more than 25 million copies sold more than demonstrate the success of this book.
Stephen Covey, speaker and author, gives his recipe to achieve effectiveness through interesting anecdotes in which he teaches principles and habits that the reader must adopt to revolutionize his life and that of his company.
5. Shoe Dog (Phil Knight)
Surely you know what the sportswear brand called Nike is. Well, its founder and CEO, Phil Knight, tells the story of how he began to create the empire that today generates profits of more than 30 billion dollars annually.
His motivations, his challenges, the obstacles and how he got ahead with the idea of not being another employee; They are embodied in this book.
6.Ted Talks (Chris Anderson)
TED Talks have become a source of knowledge and inspiration for many people.
Its speakers and specialists in various fields understand how to give a conference and in an intimate talk dazzle an entire audience.
The author, Chris Anderson, has worked closely with hundreds of speakers and in this book he shares incredible insights.
If you want to read an article with all the teachings of this book, click here.
7. Out of Series (Malcolm Gladwell)
Malcolm Gladwell, is a Canadian sociologist who seeks to change our approach to what success is and how to achieve it.
We are surrounded by stories of determined people, who with their ingenuity and ambition created wonders. However, in OutliersMalcolm shows us another side of why the successful are where they are.
8. The Outward Mindset (The Arbinger Institute)
We tend to close our field of vision by being too focused on our goals; This is why when it comes to correcting behaviors, we don’t see the whole picture and instead of making forceful changes, we try to heal broken arms with ointments.
The Outward Mindset It is a tool that allows us to recognize what is the ideal mentality to make lasting changes; both in our life and in our companies.
9. The power of habits (Charles Duhigg)
We constantly create good and bad habits but we don’t know why. The investigations carried out in this book show us the scientific side, facilitating the understanding to take control over the habits we adopt.
You will realize that quitting smoking or starting to exercise is easier than you think.
10. The Third Wave (Steve Case)
Everything is advancing by leaps and bounds and Steve Case, co-founder of AOL and investor, who has been a participant in the first two technological waves (AOL, GOOGLE, APPLE); he takes us through what he believes will be the third wave: the internet of things.
Their reading of the future opens the doors to many possibilities, but if governments don’t take responsibility, the harm may be greater than the benefit.
Looking for more books for entrepreneurs and in Spanish? Click here!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.